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RSS 18mthao

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yeah, Israel didn't want to be voilent but the Palestine wouldn't leave nicely. They kept saying their first its theirs. But the land was never any of theirs, until the U.N. gave it to the Israel.

1 point

The Jew's didn't have a choice to stay, they got forced out of their. It's their homeland I don't think they would leave unless it was nesscary.

1 point

But the Palestinians also wanted to fight too. Because both sides wanted the land, it was a fair way of who gets the land and who doesn't . Both sides wanted to fight not just the Israelis.

1 point

The Israelis did come back but the U.N. said they could do that. They didn't just come out of no where with no support and come kill thousands of people.

1 point

Where's your proof? Because in class we learned that they both were there and remember the Jew's didn't want to go they got force to go. The Jew's didn't have a choice.

1 point

I agree with you because the Palestinians can go to a lot more places then the Jew's can. The only reason the Jew's are on that land because they have no where to go really after the Holocaust.

1 point

I agree with you Lauren, because there's lots of reasons why the Israelis should get the land. Mean while, Palestine they just have a couple and they like to repeat the part where they were their first.

3 points

I agree with you Bryce. Because they had their chance to get it back but they lost, it was a fair way to get the land.

4 points

The Palestine didn't want to work it our with the Iraelis, to share the land. They only kept saying it isn't fair, but at the same time they didn't want to talk it out.

4 points

Israel got the land from the U.N. , so they have the right to take over the land. It wasn't that they just came by and forced the Palestine out. The U.N. let them do that.

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