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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

18etrempe's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 18etrempe's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

That is there belief and not the Palestines so that is not a valid reason.

1 point

The Palestines were already there while the Israelis were not so even if they were given permissoion it was not by the actual land owners, the Palestines. It should not have been given to the Israelis because someone already had it.

Supporting Evidence: whatreallyhappened (
1 point

I agree with that because the Israelis were not there so just because they had the land before, they still left so it truly should belong to the Palestines because they had most of the land until Israelis took over the land.

Supporting Evidence: whatreallyhappened (
1 point

They only lost the war because of the help the israelis got from the UN. Also, the fact that they had to get the land back was not fair because the Palestines were there as well as the israelis and it is a holy place for both so after the israelis leave it should be open to the Palestinian people.

Supporting Evidence: whatreallyhappened (
1 point

Not only did many kids die but there were so many palestine people were injured (49,518) and the israelis ended up only having 9,081 injured people so it is not a fluke that so many children died. The Israelis came and killed many of them for the land that was already occupied by the Palestines.

Supporting Evidence: ifamericansknew (
1 point

It was not fair and square because the U.S funded the Israelis $8.5 million dollars and gave the Palestines nothing so the palestines did not have a fair fight.

Supporting Evidence: ifamericansknew (
2 points

Palestines should get the land because they never left and then the israelis came and took the land forcefully and ended up killing 6,638 palestines and also injured 49,518 palestines.

Supporting Evidence: ifamericansknew (

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