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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

Rhermus10's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rhermus10's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Muslims are a different religion and do not.....................................................

3 points

Israelis were given the land by God, who is the greatest authority in the universe. According to....

3 points

I think the Israelis deserve.............................................................................

4 points

Mr. Hermus, I respectfully disagree because you are a ...................

3 points

The Israelis have the stronger religious claim. According to Joshua........

1 point

No Mr. Hermus. I respectfully disagree because.......................

1 point

The Israelis deserve the land because............................

1 point

Elle, so you are saying that it is her house and because it is her land and not mine, I can't bomb her house. I wouldn't be thrown in jail for doing that on MY property, right. I would go to jail because it is private property owned by her family. So thanks for supporting the fact that you can't take someone else's land, like the Jews did from the Palestinians. That's illegal too.

3 points

The plan was for the new state of Israel to have 54% of the land, but the Israelis immediately and still control 80%. This in a place that prior to the Jews returning was 97% OWNED by Palestinians and only 2.5% Jewish lands.

Supporting Evidence: DID YOU KNOW? (
4 points

So Autumn, if I come to your house and bomb it, it is your fault because you should have won or defended it?

4 points

Check out this link. Do you still think it was fair in 1947?

Supporting Evidence: Land division and population in 1947. (
3 points

The Israelis were given the land by the United Nations, they are the ones who really kicked the Palestinians out.

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