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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

Mwanta's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mwanta's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree, I think the Palestinians should support the United Nations' decisions.

4 points

I agree because they were going through something that couldn't be fixed on its own. Everyone was feeling bad and I think the Palestinians should be more understanding about what happened and not get so mad.

3 points

No Arab or Palestinian state never existed. Israel didn't have a government and was never a real country.

4 points

I think the Israelis should get the land because both sides had the chance to fight to keep their land. And like any ordinary war, only one wins and the Israelis did. Which means they should have the freedom to keep the land and do what they want with it.

6 points

I agree with Courtney because the Palestinians were mad that they invaded their land when they still to this day could have not made it a country. I believe the Jews made Israel more advanced in present time.

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