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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

Bberry's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bberry's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The Palestinians hadn't moved in when the Jewish people left, they were there ever since the Jewish people were. It isn't like the Palestinians took advantage of the Jewish people being discriminated.

1 point

The U.N. never even took into account how the palestinians were forced out of their country because of the Jews. Just because they hadn't declared it theirs doesn't mean that it's right for the U.N to just give away the palestinians home and holy place. Also if you think about it the Palestinians are now getting hurt and are also being discriminated in their own holy place. The U.N should have never given away land where it had such a high religious value, whether it was for the Jews or palestinians.

1 point

I agree, the United Nations completely disregarded the Palestinian people and gave Jews more rights than the Palestinians. Most people believe this is because of how they were treated and discriminated but instead of being grateful of the land and working with the Palestinians, they decided to try and dominate with force, often discriminating or hurting Palestinians.

4 points

Even if they had won the war it still isn't right to discriminate the Palestinian peoples rights. The Jewish people were given the land from somebody who hadn't owned any of the land (The United Nations) That would be like somebody telling a homeless man to kick somebody out of their home because the homeless man hadn't had a home their entire life.

3 points

I believe that the Palestinians deserve the land because they had control over it before the United Nations gave the land back to the Jewish people. The United Nations didn't have the right to do this, they didn't own the land and they also had no leader that could share the Palestinian side of the story. The way things got sorted out was not fair to the Palestinians, the United Nations gave land to the Jews but that completely disregarded the Palestinian people who had always lived there. After the United Nations gave out the land the Jewish people conquered land and mistreated many Palestinian people, disregarding their basic human rights. This is much like what happened in WW2 but to a much smaller scale.

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