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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

22sschulz's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 22sschulz's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The aish said the Jews came back and began to reclaim it, this only states that they didn't have their land the whole way through many of centuries. so they couldnve occupied the land the whole way through/.

1 point

Palestinians should have their own country as well. Why do the Jews get a homeland on what is our land, and we have not a homeland.” If you think about it if the Palestinians don’t have a homeland how could they live their life if they aren't one as a country and make decisions for their kind of people which they might agree with most than having Israel decide and end up arguing? And won't having a homeland mean they move to all sorts of places which brings back to bringing more problems with their life. Some cites say they have a right to decide for what they do and the Israelis can't disagree. rightof_return

1 point

I mean they partly claimed their land for the time, but I heard from someone that the jews went somewhere else and came back forcefully so if they did this the Palestinians could take all of what they had since they went somewhere else. And if the all of them were jews and they all raised the land how could they keep the land and hope it stayed where they want it if a new people came in.

4 points

I think I agree because if the Israelis left and came back wouldn't that mean that the Palestinians could take their land. They wouldn't really have a homeland and if the land was promised to the Israelites from god which kind of disobeys what they think their god promised and they did the opposite thing so part of it should be Palestine land.

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