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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

22sknutsen's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 22sknutsen's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The Israelites didn't start the wars. The Palestinians wanted the land back that wasn't there and they started the wars, not the isrealities.

1 point

The UN gave them the land peacefully they did not push them out of there homes.

3 points

Palestine is not a country the Palestinians do not own the land

1 point

The UN gave them the land they did not come back forcefully.

2 points

Just because Islamic state says something doesn't mean it goes. The UN runs the world not Islamic state.

1 point

They didn't come back forcefully UN just gave them the land.

2 points

Just because you live somewhere your whole life doesn't mean you own it. Unless the UN assigns you as a country you don't own the land.

2 points

Just because their religion says something doesn't mean it is true. The UN has more power than their religion. The native Americans had a religion that said that they owned the land but your ancestors took it over anyways.

1 point

Sorry buddy but this statement makes no sense. xdxdxdxdxdxdxd

6 points

How many times do I have to say it look it up the Palestinians started the wars because they wanted more land but the Israelites on the wars.

4 points

The Palestinians started the wars the isrealites just won. Just because tey won the war and took land doesn't mean they started it.

2 points

The reasons they left in big numbers is because of the holocaust it wasn't there choice

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