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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

22mhernandez's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 22mhernandez's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

So what about the U.N they knew that people lived their the Palestinians and the Israelis were the ones that created war on that land and made many Palestinians left or flee the country

1 point

But when the Israelis came back they made between 650,000 and 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes or were expelled by Israeli forces because the Israelis made war on that land that another good reason for the Palestinians as well

2 points

The Jews came back to land hard making people go to refugees and fleeing from their own homes many Palestinians were living there and when the Israelis came and basically took over the land because of the war that the Israelis had created over there but I think that the Israelis should have tried to make a relationship with them and working with them instead of fighting them during the time where the Israelis were creating the state of Isreal in late 1940 between 650,000 and 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes by Israeli forces.

2 points

The Palestinians have always been on this land the Jews left out of the country and there was not a time where the Palestinians have not been living here on this land. The Jews left in large number and what happened was they were not accepted anywhere they when around the world so the united nation had said to them that they should go to the land where the Palestinians are living on

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