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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

22mhelein's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

This is very correct because in the bible it says that the land belonged to them, but even in the museums religion the Palistians did not own the land

1 point

That is incorrect because "The history of the Jewish people begins with Abraham, and the story of Abraham begins when God tells him to leave his homeland, promising Abraham and his descendants a new home in the land of Canaan. (Gen. 12)" Acording to the jewsih bible the jews owned the land first. "two kingdoms occupied the highland zone, the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) in the north, and the Kingdom of Judah in the south."-Wikipedia

3 points

But if the jews won the war it would make all of the lands that they conquered theirs and the government theirs. Plus if the jews religion doesn't matter why does the muslims?

2 points

Even if the jews did leave the land for a little bit they did come back and win the war aginst the Muslims wich would make the land theirs.

1 point

You are incorrect because you cannot give yourself land. If it was the Palestine territory why do the Jews have power over it right now and why did they win the war to earn the territory?

0 points

Your point is not correct because, in reality, you cannot tell someone what they feel, also if the Muslims really wanted the land of Israel why did they not win the war. If you win the war you take the land that you fought on. Therefore the jews own the land. Not only that but the United Nations and God gave them the land.

4 points

The Jewish claim that God gave them the land after walking 40 years in the desert but according to the Muslims saying God gave them the land does is not a good reason. This is wrong because later the museums proceed "Palestine (Israel) is a holy place for Muslims as well. Throughout their history, this land has been important to the Muslim faith. Especially the city of Jerusalem." This makes their point irrelevant because they are just saying that their belief is better than the jews belief. This point is also not correct because the Jews were in the land of Israel before the Muslims were, wich makes Jerusalem their Holy Place before the Muslims.

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