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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

22jpontow's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 22jpontow's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

it does not matter if it is mentioned in the bible right now the bible does not have any control it is just a book at this time.

2 points

in this case, god has no power because he is not alive if he was still alive then it might be true but there is no real proof that that is true except for the bible but it is so old. and just because they promise than doesn't mean that it is now.

2 points

the Palestinians have always lived there even at the same time as the jews but they were being taxed so the jews left but the Palestinians did not leave even though they were being taxed so when they came back they had no right to come back forcefully.

3 points

the UN did not have the land at that time they just gave it to them thinking it would be alright but not taking into consideration the fact that people were living there. what they also did is just put them there and did not even attempt to move the Palestine people which is not good because they got mad because of it.

3 points

getting land forcefully is not a good way to make peace most of the wars started because the Israelis did not want to make peace with the Palestinians and just came in and tried to take the land. according to according to opposing viewpoints as soon and the Israelis came, they started a war right away because they thought that the land was theirs.

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