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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

22hreick's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 22hreick's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Actually the Palestinians did have a homeland, it was Jordan

1 point

Yes, also Abraham gave the Israelis the land. There is no higher authority on earth than God. So, if he gave the land to Abraham, then it belongs to the Jewish people because Abraham was Jewish.

3 points

How do you know that the Palestinians have lived there all of their lives? The Palestinians were never mentioned in the Koran. There is no evidence that the Palestinian's have been there all of their lives. Actually, they have a homeland (Jordan) In 1917 Great Britain declared the land of Isreal to the Jewish people.

4 points

I think the Israelis deserve the land because they settled there before the Palestinians, and the Israelis also developed the land. The Jewish people settled in the land the 10th century BCE. As far back as records can show, the Jewish people occupied the land.

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