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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

22hnoboa's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 22hnoboa's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

but that doesn't change the fact that the UN had no right to just give the land to the Jews, yes it's sad that they were brutally killed but that's not the Palestine's fault, and to if the Jews we're to get the land that will create more and more conflict and that will be the Jews and the UN fault.

1 point

Some really holy ones are

Temple Mount (in Jerusalem)

AL- AQSA Mosque



and many many more

3 points

okay but if god "gave" them the land and it's apparently their's forever, then why did they get kicked out? Why didn't their god put a stop to this if it's "their" land, it god gave them the land then why did they leave in big packs?

1 point

No, the UN said to share with the Palestine's, they didn't say you could just take it and kick everyone out, (

and go to another country? No, do you know how much trouble that will cause? How many families will be split up? It'll cause too much overpopulation.

1 point

just because they were kicked out and taxed doesn't mean they can come back in and tear up the Palestine's

2 points

not everyone in Isreal believes their religion, just because their god gave them the land doesn't' mean they get it, and it doesn't mean that the Palestine's have to respect that and just give up the land

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