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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

22cmoder's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 22cmoder's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But still, all of the land was the Palestinians, and then they got stuck with a small piece, which then became even smaller after the wars. I'll admit, the Jewish people one fair and square, but still, they should have ben happy with what they had.

1 point

Again, what has fighting solved, they have been at this constant war for FIFTY YEARS now.

1 point

The Muslims are not Jewish, they don't believe in the Jewish religion.

1 point

But still, the UN did not have much power when it was first formed, and it is unfair to the Palestinians to be moved from their own homes, just because these people tell them to.

3 points

Fighting obviously doesn't solve anything, considering this war has been going on for more than 50 years. Taking the land through fighting just makes everybody else want to fight more until every destroys themselves from all fo the fighting.

2 points

What power does the UN have, why should it be able to steal land from the people that were there before?

1 point

The Jewish people/Israelis were there too, meaning that it wasn't a Jewish state or country either.

2 points

Though the Palestinians are Muslims and believe in god, that doesn't mean much. Just because the bible says it, doesn't mean it is true. We don't know because we did not write the bible.

5 points

The Palestinians never left the area. According to myjewishlearning, a website for people that want to learn about the Jewish religion, the Jewish people left because they were being taxed. The people had the choice to flee the land, they could have stayed and sucked it up and lived with it, like how the Palestinians did. They never left, even though they were getting taxed also.

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