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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

22bbudiac's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 22bbudiac's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But think about this, if Jews came to interrupt the learning and culture of Muslim people, then what's the point of destroying someone else's culture and learning. Yes, jews need land but Muslims were there first. The Jews running into their land and fighting for it does NOT make it right to have the Palestinians land.

1 point

The international community granted the Jewish people the land in 1948. United Nations including the U.S. gave land in Palestine to Israel. Why don’t the United Nations give Palestinians their own land and not just the Jews? Why do they Jews just get to take the Palestinians land? Why don’t Palestinians have a say too? United Nations gave the Jews land and the Palestinians didn’t get to argue about anything and didn't have a say on anything.

0 points

What if some people don't believe in God. If you don't believe in God, how could God make that land? And if God gave them the land, why did they leave with Moses to go to Egypt? Wouldn't they want to stay in that land, that God gave them? Lastly, if the land maybe was the Israelis at one point why would they try to find different land that is better, when they have everything they needed there?

3 points

Palestinians have always lived on the land. They never left in great numbers like the Jewish people. There is no time in the area's history that they have not lived there. Moses brought the Jews to Egypt and then the Jews went on their own. Then the holocaust happened and the United Nations gave them land. So The Israelis did leave for a certain time and it was only the Palestinians left with the land. The Palestinians were forced to give the Jewish land because of the United Nations, not because they wanted to.

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