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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

21hgegare's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 21hgegare's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It wasn't the Israelis who forced them out of the land. Why should the Palestinians suffer because the Israelis got forced out by the Holocaust?

1 point

The Palestinians wouldn't want to just leave valuable land sitting there when it could have valuable resources.

3 points

Even though the Jews were forced out of their homes during the Holocaust, they left so why wouldn't the Palestinians take the land.

2 points

The Israelis forced many Palestinians out of their homes. The Palestinians moved into that land because the Israelis left, they wouldn't have just waited for the Israelis to come back and claim their land.

5 points

Yes, Especially since Islam came off of Christianity and Judaism all of their holy places should be in Isreal.

5 points

Israeli's have their homeland on what is Palestinian land. The Palestinians should have their own land as well as the Israelis.

6 points

Both the Israelis and the Muslims believe in Abraham. God promised the land to the descendants of Abraham and if Muslims and Israelis are both decendants of Abraham, then how come only the Israelis get the land?

4 points

Both the Jewish people and the Muslims both believe in Abraham. The land was to the descendants of Abraham so, if both religions believe in Abraham then how come only the Jewish get the land? The Muslims have equal rights to the land as well.

4 points

One of the reasons why the Jews got let back into their land, people felt bad for them.

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