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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

21emerten's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 21emerten's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Israel was never The United Nations land to give away. The Palestinians were living there too. The Palestinians have always lived in Israel and The Gaza strip since the 12th century. The Israeli's have experienced hardships but it isn't fair if the Israeli's get land and the Palestinians don't. The Palestinains don't have a homeland but the Israeli's got one that the Palestinians were living on.

2 points

The Israeli's have left the land many times and there are many reports to show that. For example, the Israeli's left Israel in 135 C.E.

2 points

The Israeli's left in large numbers unlike the Palestinian's. There are many reports on this. For example, they left Israel in 135 C.E. So even if they did come first they didn't stand up for Israel because they left.

1 point

The United Nations shouldn't have given the land to the Israeli's in the first place. It was never the United Nations land to give away. The Palestinians were living in Israel along with the Israeli's and unlike the Israel's they never left in large numbers.

2 points

Although the Israelis have a larger population, it isn't fair that the Israelis get land and the Palestinian's don't get any. The Israelis are getting a place to call a homeland but the Palestinian's aren't.

4 points

Muslims don't believe in the Jews god. So you saying that god gave you the land isn't a good reason for Muslims.

8 points

The Palestinian's have lived in Israel for a long time. They settled in what now is Israel and The Gaza strip during the 12th century.

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