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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

19iparrett's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I also think that the Palestinians should be able to keep their land because there is no time in the areas history that they have not lived there. Therefore if they have always lived there they should be able to keep their homeland

1 point

Yes they might have been there, but the Palestinians have always lived there and have never left so therefore the Palestinians should be able to keep their land and the Israelis should have to leave.

2 points

Yeah but the Palestinians have always lived on that land so therefore it is their land and they should be able to keep their own land.

2 points

I agree with you because if they have always lived there and they have never left then they should have a right to stay there and to keep their homeland.

4 points

I think that the Palestinians deserve the land because they have always been there. They left forcefully and came back. Jewish claim stating, God gave them the land does not give any good reason for Muslims. Palestine(Israel) is a holy place for Muslims too. Throughout their history this land had been important to the Muslim faith, especially the city of Jerusalem.

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