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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

17cfischer's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Zaida Bibi, an Islamic woman, says about the burqa, "I felt like I was out of air."

1 point

You just said it. They DON'T have a choice in Afghanistan.

1 point

Ok, there are multicolored burqas. But have you seen the pictures of women who are forced into burqas? They are wearing black burqas. Do you really think that people forced into them have a choice in what color it is? These women are getting beaten up! They don't choose what color their forced outfit is! That would be like a jail keeper saying to a prisoner, "Now what color do you want your handcuffs to be?"

1 point

If you except who someone is, then why are you forcing them into burqas that hide who they are?

1 point

Hijabs are respectful, but some are forced into burqas and it makes them feel like a big clumsy mess, falling down, running into things. Shahi Regum, an Islamic woman, says, "When the Taliban required women to wear burqas, that's when we started falling down and running into lamp posts. Even climbing steps was dangerous."

1 point

Yes, France shouldn't be able to ban the burqa. But if that's so, then why is it okay to force them to wear it in the Middle East?

1 point

Actually, there was only one woman in the video saying that. One Islamic nurse who was forced to wear the burqa says she "had two jobs, treating the patient and managing the burqa."

1 point

Exactly, apperance shouldn't matter! People shouldn't have to wear the burqa because that is how men want the women to appear!

1 point

No they are not just wearing it for their religon. Maybe some in America, but many are being forced to wear the burqa.

1 point

They had to make laws to wear it because many women wore headscarves, not burqas! An Islamic woman, Sharisa Rehman, who was forced to wear a burqa when the Taliban was in rule said, "I was bound like a prisoner."

1 point

I agree because this is way beyond a chador of head scarf, it is so extreme you can't even tell who you are talking to! Nobody should be forced to hide their identity like a criminal.

1 point

They can wear burqas if they want to but nobody should be forced to wear something, especially since most women find it hard to walk in a burqa!

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