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Hermus -JRG Grade 7

17ajohnson's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

but in france they are choosing to wear the burqa. it is not being forced upon them.

1 point

exactly. they go to other countries because they do not want to be mistreated. they can still bring their beliefs with them if they want to

1 point

we are not talking about just in afganistan. women all over the world wear these burqas. alot of women wear them as a choice for their religion.

1 point

way to go danny.they both have a choice. bnuns and muslim women wear mainly the saim article of clothing

1 point

but the debate is about women not getting the choice to wear the burqas if they do want to.

1 point

in the koran it does not say anything about men having to wear clothes that cover almost all of their body, it only says that women do.

1 point

thats not what we are talking about. we are not talking about the women being beaten or killed, we are talking about how people are not letting the women wear burqas

1 point

the law is saying that you cannot wear a burqa, even if the muslim woman wants to.

1 point

this "law" is saying that women can NOT wear a burqa, even if they want to.

1 point

in the koran it says that women can have only their hands and face showing. covering these areas is taking another step toward allah.

1 point

Thats not what this is about. this is about women wanting to wear burqas in countries like the usa and france.

1 point

for muslim women wearing a burqa is kinda like you going to church (if your a christian)

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